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Guiding Principles

Although Firebird Spirit was first conceived and launched by a progressive Presbyterian Church reflecting the values of the Christian Reformed tradition, we have evolved into a community whose members come from many faith (and non-faith) backgrounds and beliefs.

Because of that, we have adopted Guiding Principles by consensus to represent our collective goals and purpose. These are “evergreen” and we continue to revise them as we grow in our understanding of what it means to be an Evolving Way of the Spirit that seeks to create a manifestation of the Beloved Community in the 21st century.

Our current Guiding Principles include (in no particular order):

  • All people are beloved of a Universal Presence (called by many different names) whose essence is within each of us and which longs to be in relationship with humanity and all of Creation.
  • As we grow in that relationship, we become more aware of the Oneness connecting every living thing. We refer to this as the Beloved Community.
  • The Creator’s Presence is another name for Love and as nothing is greater than the Creator, nothing is greater than Love … not fear, hatred, nor any human-made condition … and Love Wins in the end.

  •  The Beloved Community is connected by the movement of the Spirit calling us to act with compassion as we work for just and equitable standards for all.
  • The Way of Jesus began as a collection of people from different cultures and communities. Throughout history, his teachings have found new expressions for embracing the marginalized, giving voice to the voiceless, and welcoming the stranger. Our Firebird Community is a version of the 1st-century church in the 21st century. We are an expression of the evolving Way of the Spirit.
  • We are committed to seeing each other, respecting each other, listening, and being present to each other. People of good faith can disagree without being disagreeable and the process of building consensus is preferable to the divisiveness of “taking sides.”
  • All people have gifts — a calling, and purpose waiting to be made manifest in the world for the betterment of the Beloved Community.
  • The Spirit is always present, inviting (but not forcing) us to be our best selves through constantly seeking, learning, adjusting and growing.
  • Jesus and others came to show us the Ways/Paths to be in relationship with Spirit and to grow along our spiritual journey in the Beloved Community.
  • “Worship” is defined by the worshiper; what has meaning for one may not have meaning for another. We embrace the tenet of the Christian Reformed Tradition that “God alone is Ruler of the Conscience.”
  • We are called to be in community with each other along our spiritual journeys, but our communities may change as we grow and are transformed. We are not limited to only one community at a time. Therefore, the Firebird Community may be someone’s primary spiritual connection, or it might supplement what that person is already doing with another community.